The Global Exchange Conference Presenter - Constant Mouton - Portrait Photo

Constant Mouton

Dr. Constant Mouton is a psychiatrist, therapist, family interventionist, and author. He founded Mouton Mental Health, a private mental health practice in The Netherlands. He also serves as a consultant psychiatrist at a prominent Recovery Centre and is the director and senior trainer at ARISE® Consulting, Europe.

Trained as a (neuro)psychiatrist in South Africa, Dr. Mouton’s work is uniquely rooted in cross-cultural understanding. He harnesses the families’ strengths, cultural heritage, religion, and spiritual beliefs to comprehensively understand and treat the individual and the family. The Southern African philosophy of Ubuntu, “I am because we are,” permeates his work as he strives to restore the connectedness within the individual and the group. 

In his original book, The Roadmap to Family Recovery, published in 2024, Dr Mouton guides families on a transformative journey towards recovery. His work instils hope and helps families access resilience in their loved ones, themselves, and their families. He firmly believes that recovery should be accessible for the entire family, as collateral recovery notably enhances the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.