The Global Exchange Conference Presenter - Zeena Hicks - Portrait Photo

Zeena Hicks

Zeena Hicks, is a positive psychologist, coach, author, and entrepreneur, specializing in cultivating empowered mindsets. Known as “The Positivity Doctor” by her clients, Zeena is a leading advocate for the science of human flourishing. She equips professionals, individuals, and organizations with personalized toolkits, empowering them to become architects of their own growth, well-being, and ability to positively influence others around them.

Originally from Dublin and based in the UK, Zeena holds an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology and is midway through her doctorate. Globally accredited by the EMCC, she is a lead coach for INSEAD’s global leadership programs, and a member of IPPA, PESA, and ADHD Europe.

With two neurodivergent sons, Zeena is also passionate about de-pathologizing neurodivergence, supporting organisations, educators, and carers to positively navigate those complexities, enabling all individuals to thrive through mindful communication, emotional regulation, and strengths-based interventions. 

Her book ’28 Days of Positivity’ distils positive psychology into simple actionable steps accessible to all.